Tax number: 19316389-1-20
Cash Handling Policy
Purpose of the Policy
The purpose of the regulations is to comply with the provisions of Act C of 2000 on Accounting, and ADRIA Intercultural Association property (hereinafter: Protection of the Association‘s property.
The ADRIA Intercultural Association peculiarities
The ADRIA Intercultural Association The presidency performs the tasks approved in the statutes, and the presidential tasks are performed by the president of the association in one person, independently.
The ADRIA Intercultural Association the tasks related to money management and the keeping of its books shall be performed by the member of the association appointed and authorized to do so.
The main financial tasks of money management
Operation of HUF and currency cash desks.
Payment, registration and settlement of settlement advances.
Providing cash in time for the turnover of the fund.
Cash accounting, proof of income and expenses.
Contingent wage payments.
Tasks related to bank account transactions
The ADRIA Intercultural Association (hereinafter referred to as the “Account Holder”)- except for payments in cash- to keep a bank account with banks, to process its cash flow, and to do so to conclude a bank account agreement. You settle your debts from your bank account and your receivables flow into them.
Available from a bank account by full or abbreviated name registered or declared for registration, and- unless otherwise provided by law, or the parties have not agreed otherwise in the bank account agreement- the signature of the person empowered to represent is required.
The ADRIA Intercultural Association you can enter into bank account agreements with several financial institutions.
The person performing financial tasks is responsible for the economic events involving the movement of money, including banking operations ADRIA Intercultural Association recorded in its analytical records. The way to do this is to certify the statement from your banking transactions by signing it. As the internal content and structure of the extracts ensures continuous transparency, this meets the legal and ownership requirements for recording an economic event.
Each application project has a separate bank account. The management of bank accounts is the responsibility of the person appointed and authorized to do so.
Using a credit card
The bank card must be in the name of the Association or the name (s) of the member (s) of the board, who may use the bank card as a payment option in accordance with the relevant banking regulations.
Use of e-banking and other payment methods
The Association may also use e-banking, such as Paypal or other similar e-banking.
Financial institution payment methods
If the method of settlement of the monetary debt (hereinafter: the method of payment) is not obligatory by law, the parties are free to agree on the method of payment.
The payment methods for financial institution accounts are as follows:
- transfer
- recovery order (collection order
- Debit Card
If the account holders have not agreed on the method of payment between the bank accounts, the payment must be made by bank transfer.
If the financial collateral in the bank account does not allow the fulfillment of all due orders, the financial institution- in accordance with normal banking practice- the order of arrival will be taken into account when executing orders, unless otherwise specified by the account holder.
Unless otherwise agreed by the financial institution with the account holder, orders may not be executed due to a lack of financial coverage.- After 90 days- it is returned to the submitter or deleted from its register upon notification to the client.
For the purposes of complying with the provisions debiting the bank account, arrival shall be deemed to be the receipt of the order by the financial institution holding the bank account to be debited.
To the account holder the payment order- unless otherwise agreed with the financial institution- it must be given on the forms provided for that purpose. Under the transfer agreement- can also be done electronically.
Cash payment can be made:
- by handing over cash,
- by depositing the amount in the beneficiary’s bank account,
- by forwarding the amount to the holder by domestic postal order or money order,
- by disbursing the amount to the beneficiary by means of a payment order,
- by paying the amount by cash withdrawal order,
- by cash on delivery.
Payment of cash is the responsibility of the person appointed and authorized to do so.
Cash withdrawal from the bank account:
The member (s) of the Board registered at the given bank or the person authorized to do so are entitled to withdraw cash.
Rules of operation of the treasury
As set out in point 2 of these Rules, the person appointed and appointed to do so shall, with the approval of the Bureau, carry out the tasks relating to the management of the funds and shall therefore be the treasurers.
The money manager is obliged to manage the amounts withdrawn from the bank for cash payment, paid in cash, paid in cash or paid into a bank account in the so-called “cash register”.
Valuables and valuables other than cash may not be kept, handled and recorded in the cash register.
The money manager is obliged to provide a place / stand-alone room suitable for conducting its turnover, storing and storing money, where the necessary and reasonable security measures can be observed, so that at least a cash box can be provided in a lockable cabinet.
The cashier is fully and jointly and severally liable for the existence of the funds in the treasury.
If the person entitled to withdraw the money does not appear in person, the amount may be paid to his / her agent only against a duly issued power of attorney. The power of attorney must be attached to the receipt. In the case of regular payments to a principal, a power of attorney valid until revoked may also be given.
Banknotes or coins which are not obviously lost weight or damaged as a result of natural wear and tear shall not be accepted or stored. If the money manager delivers a counterfeit or counterfeit banknote among the money handed over to him, or If you find a coin, you cannot accept it as payment, you must withhold the banknote or coin. The payer must be heard about the place, from whom and when he received the counterfeit, and the competent authorities (MNB, BM) must be notified immediately.
It is only possible to withdraw money from or withdraw money from the treasury with a document worthy of the legitimacy and economic validity of the movement of money.
The document can be: an in-store store block / machine-generated document.
The cash stock in the cash register may not exceed 500,000 per day.- HUF, ie five hundred thousand HUFs. Deviations from this are only possible in justified cases, such as the settlement of a large asset in cash.
Legitimacy or substantiation is is entitled to a voucher it certifies the so-called “voucher” of the receipt in its own handwriting. The signature is made by signing the voucher line of the receipt. (This signature will be determined to make it easier to find later.)
The voucher is responsible for:
- for the justification of the voucher,
- for the need for the amount of the voucher or device or the amount of the HUF,
- for the proper completion of the voucher.
- For the availability of the voucher amount.
The right to voucher at the ADRIA Intercultural Association is granted only to the person performing the financial tasks entrusted with the approval of the Board, it cannot be transferred to another person. In the event of a permanent absence or conflict of interest, the power of attorney shall be transferred to a designated member of the Bureau.
Keeping cash register records
All treasury deposits and disbursements shall be recorded in the order in which they arise.
Basic documents of the cash register revenue in case of:
- Receipt confirming the bank’s cash withdrawal,
- Other receipt,
- In the case of cash settlement of a customer account, a second copy of the receipt given to the customer,
- Other document.
Basic documents of the cash register records a expenditures in case of:
- Cash payment accounts,
- Other documents proving the disbursement of cash, e.g. receipts received,
- In case of payment to a bank account, the bank certificate,
- Other document.
The task of simplified accounting is to issue receipts and receipts on the basis of consolidated receipts.
Accounting is based on these basic documents.
The monthly closing amount of the cash receipts must be equal to the monthly final amount of the records kept by the cashier, which must be kept.
It is the joint responsibility of the person in charge of cash management and accounting and the member of the Board to reconcile any discrepancies between the records and the accounts.
The cash records kept by the accountants must be closed twice a year, but at least on the last day of the calendar year. The hard copy of the cash register must be signed by the cashier. The accounting documents must be kept within the limitation period.
Wage payment
Wages are paid by bank transfer.
The cash manager may only pay the employee a (net) wage that can be actually paid in cash in compliance with the regulations on cash payments.
Recording of amounts issued for settlement
Money may be issued for settlement for the following purposes:
- to buy materials,
- to use the service,
- payment of duties and taxes,
- fulfillment of other obligations not by transfer.
The amount spent on accounting shall not exceed what is reasonably necessary to achieve the objective.
Money for settlement can only be paid in person, with the approval of a member of the Board, on the basis of a receipt signed by the fund manager, which also indicates the purpose of the amount and the deadline for settlement.
The cashier and the accounting officer shall keep records of the amounts released for accounting, which shall be kept
If the debtor does not settle by the set deadline, the fund manager is obliged to take the steps it deems necessary.
Cash lock
THE the closing of the fund takes place every six months, but at least once a year, on the last calendar day of the calendar year.
Tasks to be performed during the closing of the fund:
- reconciliation of opening and closing balance,
- reconciliation of banknotes and coins by denomination.
In case of a fund difference, the reason for the difference must be revealed and a report must be kept.
III of 2008 on the rules of rounding required as a result of the inclusion of 1 and 2 HUF denomination coins According to the law, in case of payment in HUF, by cash (handing over a banknote or coin), if the final amount to be paid does not end in HUF 5 or a multiple thereof, the amount to be paid must be determined and settled according to the rounding rule specified below:
- amounts from HUF 0.01 to HUF 2.49 downwards, the nearest 0;
- amounts from HUF 2.50 to HUF 4.99 upwards, the nearest 5;
- amounts from HUF 5.01 to HUF 7.49 downwards, the nearest 5;
- amounts ending in HUF 7.50 to HUF 9.99 upwards, the nearest 0; shall be rounded to the nearest HUF.
When issuing a cash receipt for a given cash flow, the rounding difference must be indicated on a separate line on the cash receipt.
The rounding difference of other items is settled at the closing of the cash report.
The rounding difference – depending on the sign- It is to be recorded as other non-VAT revenue or other expenditure.
Hollókő, 2021 december 18., updated on 16.10.2024.
drs. Éva Lilla Kronauer, chairwoman