VAT- number: 19316389-1-20 (EU-VAT: HU 19316389)

Organizational and Operational Rules


Hollókő, 25.08.08., updatad on 16.10.2024.

Enacted on behalf of the NGO: Éva Lilla Kronauer President of the Association

Rules of Operation and Organization



The seat of the Association: 8960 Lenti Harangláb út 36., Hungary

Area of operation: Hungary and the countries concerned


Forms of Association membership:

  1. regular membership
  2. supporting membership.

the) He is a regular member can be all Hungarian and foreign citizens and legal entities over the age of 18.

Legal members they can be institutions and organizations that provide support or regularly support it through social work.

b) Supporting member can be all Hungarian and foreign citizens and legal entities over the age of 18. The annual membership fee of the sponsoring members is the minimum annual membership fee of the Association.

Membership is established by signing and submitting a duly completed membership application, approving the membership application and paying the membership fee. The declaration – if a legal entity applies for admission – must be accompanied by a certificate from the legal entity stating that it can act as a representative on its behalf in the membership of the Association.

c) A honorary members The General Assembly shall decide on its election on the basis of a proposal from the Bureau.

The number of honorary members may not exceed ten percent of the number of regular members.

Members’ rights

1. / See. Articles of Association VI. paragraphs (4) and (5) Chapter on the membership of the Association.

Duties of members

1. / Members help to achieve the goals.

2. / Participate in the work. They support the Association through social work, helping with organization and other ways.



1. / Ordinary representatives of ordinary members and legal members may participate in the General Meeting with the right of deliberation and voting, supporting members may participate only with the right of deliberation.

2. / The General Meeting may order a secret ballot on the proposal of the Chairman or on the initiative of one third of the members. In personal matters, voting shall in all cases be by secret ballot.

The General Meeting may decide on all matters affecting the Organization.

  1. sets out its general guidelines.
  2. discusses motions tabled by members;
  3. decide, on a proposal from the Bureau, on the election of any candidates for future honorary membership;
  4. recalling officers if they become unfit to perform their duties and accepting their resignation.


The tasks related to the operational management of the Association are performed by the 3-member Board. The members of the Board are the President, the Secretary, the Chief Financial Officer and the members of the Board. Depending on the subject matter, additional members may be invited to attend the Bureau meeting from time to time.



The main financial tasks of the Association are:

  • The Association preparation of its financial plan, monitoring and evaluation of performance.
  • Ensuring the solvency and liquidity of the Association.
  • Establishment and continuous management of records reviewing the financial situation of the Association.
  • Liaison with banks, financial institutions, monitoring of services.
  • The Association cash flow (domestic and foreign).
  • Fulfillment of budgetary commitments.
  • Providing foreign currency for the traffic and foreign travel necessary to achieve the goals of the association.
  • Arranging tasks related to bank accounts and cash registers.
  • Managing the insurance affairs of the Association. Management of insurances, payment of insurance premiums, collection of possible damages.
  • Performing banking tasks.
  • Cash management (HUF and currency).

The implementation of the management plan and decisions of the General Meeting is ensured by an external body on the basis of a separate contract. If the General Meeting does not entrust the management of the Association’s assets to an external body, the members of the Board are obliged to ensure the implementation of the management plan and decisions.

Customer and vendor account management

The Association is obliged to provide the goods and services provided by it

  • invoice
  • simplified invoice (on request in case of payment in cash or by cash substitute),
  • issue a replacement document (if the consideration is not in cash).

THE documents the relevant provisions and the substantive and formal requirements of the Value Added Tax Act apply, these are strictly accounted for documents.

The number must also include the number of copies made, the serial number of each copy and, in the case of a machine account, the ID of the program used.

Accounts receivable shall be prepared in the required copy by the person designated for this purpose.

Invoices must be authenticated by the signature of the person designated for that purpose. The President or a member of the board of the Association issue a separate instruction as to who is authorized to sign the invoice. This instruction shall be made available to customers on request. These instructions are annexed to these regulations and to the accounting policy.

If, after the invoice, simplified invoice and invoice replacement document have been issued, the Association:

  • modifies the amount of tax passed on or the items needed to determine it, or
  • you want to charge and transfer the tax afterwards,

it shall issue a corrective invoice, a simplified invoice and a document replacing the invoice.

The corrective invoice, the simplified invoice and the document replacing the invoice must contain:

  • an indication of the fact of the correction,
  • the information needed to identify the original invoice, the simplified invoice and the document replacing the invoice,
  • new items corresponding to the amendment.

Vendor invoices- with the exception of cash payments- they arrive at the Association by post or electronically. Invoices can also be picked up in person from suppliers.

In accordance with point 2 and in the interests of the owner, due diligence and professional competence, the Bureau shall answer.

The invoices must be kept separate for each work phase or in another systematic manner and must be handed over in full to the accounting officer after the end of the month.


The official e-mail address of the Association is

The address of the official website of the Association is

The Board is responsible for the operation of the Association’s e-mail address, website, Facebook page and company portal responsible.


The language of the Association’s office is Hungarian, but it communicates in three languages: Hungarian, Italian and English. In all cases, the documents written in Hungarian shall prevail.


For other non-regulated issues, see. The Articles of Association.

These Organizational and Operational Regulations shall enter into force on the date of their adoption.